Boost Your Revenue by Targeting Your Established Audience

Build relationships by creating a personalized connection with your audience through email marketing


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    Glidebyond Digital Marketing Agency

    Emails with CTA buttons have seen upto 158% increased click-through rates

    Want to interact with your customers individually? Maintain your connection with them through email marketing

    A social CTA button included in your email ensures you directing more traffic towards your website




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    Email Marketing Has Been Around for a Longtime

    Email marketing is the oldest form of digital marketing which skyrocketed the sales of the companies, when they began employing this method. Even now it's a favorite of most of the marketers

    Marketing emails reach your target audience directly, escalating your conversions

    Talk to Our Experts

    Why Email Marketing?

    About 88% of marketers prefer this channel, as Email Marketing generates 30x times profit compared to the money you spend. The leads generated through emails are more likely to fill out your lead forms

    We have a dedicated team of people to guide you through your email marketing campaigns and hike up your sales

    Email Marketing Strategy Differs Based on Your Industry

    The approach you use vastly differs from industry to industry, we at Glidebyond incorporate unique strategies to address different customers

    Reconnecting With Your Customers

    Email marketing is a way to connect with your existing customers and remind them of your brand so that you’ll never lose out on your sales

    • Increases website traffic
    • Increased Sales
    • Customer loyalty

    Learn more about Email Marketing

    Email Marketing for B2B

    Email Marketing is the third highest platform used by B2B marketers due to its conversion rate. It is one of the best methods used to nurture and convert leads, while being a reliable tool in measuring the success of your campaign

    • More Engagement
    • High Conversion
    • Quality lead generation

    Learn more about Lead Generation

    Email Marketing for B2C

    Personalizing emails based on previous purchases can make the customer feel connected with your brand, making them want to buy your products again and again. More than 60% of D2C brands engage their customers in such a way

    • Gives more credibility
    • Retention of Consumers
    • Higher Conversion Rate

    Learn more about D2C Conversion

    Email Marketing for Ecommerce

    eCommerce is the largest user of email marketing, some of the brands send their customers emails on a daily basis. And some of them do this to create more brand awareness

    • Customer retention
    • Connect with your audience
    • Connect with more people

    Learn more about Personalized Emails

    Creating an Email Strategy To Target Your Customers Emails

    Determine your buyer persona and establish your objectives accordingly, whether to create awareness or to generate leads before you send your emails. Make a schedule to send them during the maximum engagement time, to make the most out of your email campaign

    90% of people open their emails through mobile phones or computers making it one of the best means to market your products

    Get Your Free Marketing Strategy



    Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to promote your business’s products or services. It can help you market your latest products to your customers. It can also plays role in telling people about your brand or keeping them engaged between purchases.
    Email marketing is used to promote special offers, new product releases, gated content like ebooks and webinars, and your brand at large.Types are as Promotional, Informational and Re engagement Mails.
    Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective tools to increase revenue, but it’s practical in every industry. Increasing email revenue can significantly improve ROI: Consumers spend 138% more as a result of email marketing, when compared to consumers who don’t receive email offers.
    Types of email marketing are as follows:Promotional, Informational and Re engagement, Welcome email, New content announcement, Event invitation, Email newsletters, Product update email, Dedicated send email, Co-marketing email, Seasonal campaign, Post-purchase/confirmation email, Form submission/thank you email, cart abandonment email, Re-engagement campaign, Lead nurturing, Connect via social campaign and The post-purchase drip campaign.
    The sender name and subject line of your emails are the most important factors in getting them opened and using a specific personal name, rather than a general email address or company name, you can increase open rates by as much as 35%!.A well-crafted subject line shouldn’t be the first thing you think of. Instead, it should take time. And you should use research and data to help guide you.Another reason for opening an email is if the subject line is addressed to the recipient, as subject lines personal with a recipient’s first name.
    List size matters – so does your industry. If you are an eCommerce company with 10,000 or more subscribers, sending out daily emails might be a good strategy to increase your immediate sales.
    With email, you’re able to get the results you’re looking for right away and easily track how your different email marketing campaigns are performing. “It’s rewarding because we always get an immediate response through orders.
    Absolutely! It is even more relevant today than ever before. Research shows Email is still the best channel to reach people, more than any other channels, even with the popularity of social media.
    You can make it by using the following points: Review the Rules, Run Maintenance on Your Subscriber List, Give People More Ways to Join Your List, Deliver What You Promise, and Be Consistent, Spend Time on Your Subject Line, Carefully Craft the First Line of the Body, Customize the ‘From’ Name, Proofread Before You Send, and Get to the Point
    On an average, a mid-size business can expect to spend $9 to $1,000 per month on email marketing if they manage their campaigns themselves (depending on the platform and number of subscribers)

    Let's Get Started

    We Are Beyond Your Digital Marketing Agency - We Are Your Associate in Business Performance

    Here’s how we’ll invest in you:

    In-depth Growth Strategy

    We’ll share our strategy for your business and how we’ll reach your objectives faster.

    A complete Audit

    We’ll go through your digital marketing avenues and come up with what’s working and what’s not.

    ROI Forecast

    We’ll project your results and also the subsequent investment and KPIs needed.